When I went off to Belmont College, all freshmen were required to be on campus three days before classes began for “Freshman Orientation.” The school’s effort was to familiarize new students with the campus, with each other, and generally acclimate to their new environment. I enjoyed it so much that I used the whole first semester to orientate myself to my newfound freedom and the many attractive diversions found in a college community.

At this stage in life, when I have a nocturnal need to find the water closet, I wake up only enough to get the deed done. So, the first thing I do is find the clock’s light. Not to see what time is but to determine where I am in the room. It is wise to reorientate myself out of my dreams and wandering about in the bed in restless sleep to where the floor is. The clock position does not change, so selecting a direction to the water closet is established.

I can find the bathroom without the clock, but it is generally less cumbersome and less painful to find the clock. That light in the darkness never changes; it is where it is and will remain there. That clock not only tells me the time, it also tells me where I am, allowing me to navigate to where I need to go.

After my body is comfortable in the mornings, there is an inner push to orientate myself before the day begins. Maybe it is more of a pulling. Whatever it is, it comes from outside of me. The provocation is not in the form of an invitation; it’s more of a command. After getting my coffee, I find one of the two chairs I favor and take my phone. My phone contains my Bible. And I just sit looking out the window.

Because we are fortunate enough to live in the woods, the view out of every window of our house is full of Creation and minimal man-made obstructions to see. So, orientation for the day begins as I greet the Creator, marvel at His work, delight in His gift to the Baldwins, and anticipate His day just beginning.

I suppose this could be called prayer, but it doesn’t feel like what I have been taught is prayer. Technically that is what it is, but it doesn’t feel like it. I am not even sure it is a conversation. Instead, it feels like it is just sitting together, enjoying each other’s companionship.

During this time of daily “courtship,” I do not try to control my thinking. Instead, I allow it to roam about where it wills. However, I remain vigilant, anticipating the spark of insight in every passing thought. That spark is struck by the Holy Spirit. The twist of a tree limb, sudden move of a critter, or impulse of thought can trigger a whole new conversation with Him.

As a result, my mind focuses, and I begin to research or write. Always, absolutely every time, I end up somewhere in the Bible. However, my experience is that I never hear from God in a way that does not lead to or come out of reading and contemplating His Word.

His Word, the Bible, is like that clock in my bedroom darkness. When I find it, I know where I am and the direction to go in to achieve what needs to be done.

The typical terms used by diligent Believers, like “devotional time” or “quiet time,” are not adequate terms for my experience. Today, I really connect with the term “orientation.” I have a great need, Divine impulse, to orientate my living for the day to be wholly immersed in the movement of God throughout the day.

My life with God is absolutely unique to me. It will be similar to every other pursuer of Jesus, but it will also be custom-made for Him and me. I am a human being, so I resemble all other human beings. But I am not a copy or duplicate of any other, nor are you. Collectively and individually, we are the “image of God.” Still, God is so vast that the combination of all the humans who have passed through the dust of this planet or will ever stir that dust will not adequately be THE complete Image of the Creator.

Could it be that before we can find God’s will for our lives, we may need to establish His style of communicating with us? You are that special to Him! So here is where the “fresh” is established and maintained in our complex living.

It’s an excellent time to allow the Holy Spirit to walk you through Hebrews 12:1-3

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer, and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him, he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” (NIV, Bold was added by me)

Photo – Oak tree’s “Spring Fairies.”

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