About Me

I have a dusty memory of a seminary professor saying, “You cannot know a subject until you have written about it.”  Supposing that is true if I write about what I think about I may know my thoughts better.  There are two motivations for beginning this blog. First, I want to know life better.  Second I want my grandchildren to know me better.  A third, and important, desire is to leave a trail for others to know life better.

A couple of decades ago, when “The Purpose Driven Life” was a huge buzz, I wrote a purpose statement for my life.  It actually took more than a year.  This is what I settled on: “I want to continuously develop and use my unique relationship with God to guide and inspire others to continuously develop and use their unique relationship with God to guide and inspire others…”

For me, to know life is to know God. 

There are a few things I want you to know about me and a few more I offer just as an introduction. 

I am a follower of Jesus Christ.

God has revealed himself to His creation as Father, Son (Jesus who is His Christ) and the Holy Spirit

The Bible is my final authoritative explanation of God’s self-disclosure and of His purpose and of His relationship to creation.

Other things that may or may not be of interest;

I was born in 1946

I grew up in southern Indiana, central Virginia, south-central Illinois, and middle Tennessee.

Graduated from Tullahoma Senior High School

Spent almost four years in the US Army in what was the Army Security Agency.

Graduated from Belmont College (now Belmont University), 1974

Married Janice Elaine Williams, 1974

Graduated from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary with an MDiv, 1977

Graduated from Southern Theological Seminary with a DMin, 1984

I have pastored four Baptist churches, in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Tennessee

I am the chaplain for the Robertson County Sherriff’s Office

We have three children and ten grandchildren.

I have been on mission trips to South Korea, England, Canada, France, Burkina Faso, Kurdistan, India, Haiti, and Nicaragua.

I have visited Mexico, Tokyo, Japan and Istanbul, Turkey

I have had five hobbies, raising three children, rebuilding a 1976 Porsche 914 (lately a 1981 Chevy C10), photography, writing, and woodworking.  Writing and woodworking are my favorites.