

Most people who will read this blog will have a solid grip on the term “heirloom.”  The context in which the word is used identifies one of two possible meanings.  The first is the idea of some memento or valuable which has been handed down from one generation to the next.  The heirloom may or may not have any monetary value but certainly would have significant emotional or sentimental value.  The second context in which the word is used could refer to a generational reproduced plant, like an heirloom tomato.  Usually the word “heirloom” used in this context refers to the lineage of a plant that does not have any human imposed mutations. 

I did some research in five or six online dictionaries and discovered the obvious.  Heirloom is a compound word, heir and loom.  Heir seems to have an archaic Greek root having to do with “consuming what was left behind.”  Loom is probably from a Dutch word for “tool”.  So after considerable consternation of contemplation, I have concluded; “An heirloom is the action of a son or daughter taking possession of the tools after death devours their father or mother.” 

With this information in hand or mind, you may understand why this blog is so named.  Being of “sound mind” I have taken upon myself to leave the “tools” which I have acquired over my life’s successes, failures, stagnations, and adventures to my heirs, both genetically and spiritually. 

I am, unapologetically, a follower of Jesus Christ.  I believe He is the Truth and all truth I discover passes to me through him. What follows on this blog is how I see the world working.  I will share my understanding of the events in and around my life.  It is here appropriate to quote one of my favorite crime investigators, Adrian Monk, “I could be wrong, but I don’t think so.” 

I hope to make you laugh.  More, I hope to make you think.  While what I write here will pass through the filter of what I understand from Scripture, I will not be quoting many texts.  If you want the Scripture verses, you will find them.  

 Welcome to my blog, “Baldwin Heirlooms.” 

Baldwin Heirlooms.”